
Testing is part of our Day to Day life.

You go to supermarket to buy veggies…You test them.. Checking whether they are fresh or not, you test them  from the outlook and the aroma ..

You want to buy a take a test drive first.. you want the vehicle to be of good performance and best in price.

We do it because we want the Quality Product. We want it be of better use, longer life, Durable or whatever we can think of best. At last we are paying for that !!

And Testing is what helps to identify it.. The best possible product.

And This is what pointing towards another flavor of my life , Software Testing. It is my Bread and Butter. I enjoy it. 

One Needs to have a Destructive mind to be a good Tester. Another Important part is that Tester need to have a good Domain Knowledge and he should also know how the business is running else he will never be able to test the application to the perfection. And this is what makes Testing an Exciting Career. :) :)

Now without Testing , delivering a Product is like a Suicide and a big loss to Business.

The Question is why exactly do we test ?
1) To Improve Quality
2) To check Whether the Application is Working as Expected or not.

Mainly Testing is of Two types :
1) Manual
2) Automation

And to be Frank , one cannot replace the other. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. But the main point is : What can be done by Manual Testing , may or may not be done by Automation , but its not true Vice Versa.

This is just a bit of Introduction to another flavor of my life.
I'll keep adding more stuff on Testing.

So Stay Tuned..

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